Monday, January 31, 2011

This Week I'm...

Loving: That my new years resolution of "move more, eat less" has been sustainable for a whole month now with 8.2 pounds less as a result!
Disliking: That I'm way behind on catching up with family and friends.  I need to get on that and see what's going on with everyone.
Craving: Dark chocolate
Wanting: More hours in the day
Reading: Not much.  I started LA Candy by Lauren Conrad, but haven't picked it up since I first started.  Yes, it is chick lit, trashtastic, but it's my escape from the constant technical reading required daily
Watching: Not much.  The DVR is getting full
Listening to: The sound of typing on the computer
Looking forward to: Heading to Beijing in April
Hearing buzz about: An insane blizzard headed our way that may be life threatening according to the news

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