Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day?!

I don't believe it!  The weather forecast was right, it was snowmageddon last night.  I am so glad that I left work early yesterday before it got too crazy, but last night watching the storm was kind of like watching a snow globe being shook to death by a small child.  Wind was coming from every direction it seemed and you couldn't tell if the snow flying around was new snow or just snow being blown around.

Well, this morning it was clear that it was new snow.  Here are some pictures from my front and back door views.

My front porch is one big snow drift

I'm not sure where the front yard ends and the driveway and street begin

Also, see in the far distance in front of the brownish house a small yellow speck sticking out of the snow - that's the fire hydrant. 

The backyard is where most of the swirling snow was last night and that's evident by the crazy snow drifts.  There are snow drifts as high as our four foot tall pool.  Our pool filter is out there somewhere, do you see it?

Check out the snow drifts on my back neighbor's house.  I hope Jared and Marie don't need to use their back door any time soon.  Also, it looks like it continues up the roof.

And one final shot, of our shed with it's snow drift.  Part of me wanted to suit up and jump out there in that snow, and then I remembered that I probably will get plenty of snow action as I help clear the driveway...once we find it.

I hope everyone is home safe and can stay home today.  Even though I'll be working on my snow day, it's still kind of fun to be snowed in and working in front of my fireplace.  Stay warm everyone!

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