Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weekend Recaps: Birthday Celebrations

It's only two weeks into the new year and I'm already a week behind on my blogging.  Good thing I didn't make blogging more often one of my resolutions.  That would have been a pitiful showing. 

Last weekend Teddy and I went to Andrea and Chris's to celebrate the first birthday of their twins Cole and Carter.  We were running late, so we missed all the excitement of the magician that they had, but we got there in time for the make your own pizzas.  It was a great idea for a kids party.  These guys rolled up with a pizza oven on wheels with all the fixins and made pizzas to order.  Plus they made extras that could be frozen and made later for people to take home with them.  Great idea! 

Soon after it was present opening time for the boys.  Carter seemed interested, but Cole just wanted to play with some Elmo balloons.

He had a serious grip on those balloons

Carter's momentarily distracted from the gift opening enough to snap a couple of pictures

Soon after it was cake time and these two monkeys certainly got into their cake

First we sang to the birthday boys.  Aren't they cute in their hats.  

And they went to town!  Hilarious.  :)  I think Cole had cake in his hair, down his back, pretty much everywhere. 

Carter had a little bit cleaner technique, but took that cake down just as quick as his brother.

Then after a quick bath, these guys were ready for some sleep

It was great to spend some time with the family.  The rest of last weekend was really quiet, which was nice. 

This weekend Teddy was out of town for work.  I decided to finally watch the Twilight movies.  I read the books a few years ago, but never ended up seeing the movies, so I watched Twilight and New Moon.  They were pretty good.  I felt like they kept pretty true to the book in both.  Maybe today I'll watch Eclipse and get completely caught up. 

Last night I went out with Tom, Stacy, Nilam and Chris for Tom's birthday.  With everything going on the group went from a party of 10 to 5.  It was a really fun night.  Just like old times!  The original five were out and ready for fun.  We went to Coopers Hawk for dinner and the food and wine was great as always.

Hopefully I'll get back on track with blogging, although with Teddy and my work schedules over the next couple of months, I'm not sure there will be all too much exciting stuff going on.  But you never know!

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