Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Guest Bathroom Remodel: Day 3

We are on to Day 3 of our little project, and the theme of today is doors, doors and more doors.  We did start off the morning doing our second coat of blue paint on the walls. 

Here Teddy is working the roller.  I must say that the camera does not do the color justice.  I think the flash is washing it out some.  I'll have to play with the camera settings for the reveal picture when we're all done.

After finishing painting it was time to hang the doors.  We got some help from the hardware store as we bought prefinished, prehung doors.  So, it was a lot simpler than it could have been.  But we still had to get it fit in the space, where there are tile cut outs, make sure it is square and level.  So, it was time to start the shimming party.  So, Teddy shimmed

And he shimmed

And he shimmed some more, and finally the door was in.  It was time to move on to door number 2.

Door number two is ready for some shimming

At this point it was about 6pm, and we hadn't even started door 2, or any of the trim work.  So, I just realized, there would be a day number 4....but I pulled it together to get ready to help shim away.

See, I got my second wind.  (Also as a side note, yes I am wearing the same clothes as yesterday.  And before you say gross, they are my painting clothes.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!)

So, we finished the shimming of door 2, which went a lot faster than door 1.  And then Teddy worked on setting all the nails

I then got to work wood puttying all the nail holes.   The doors are in!  They are level, they open and close, and most of all they look great.

The next item on the agenda were the trim casings for the doors.  We again got some help from the hardware store, by buying precut, prefinished casings.  But of course there were a few hiccups here.  The only casing that fit right out of the box was the hallway side of the main bathroom door.  The other side needed a half inch ripped off due to the door being extra close to the wall as well as some trimming off the bottom because the tile made the trim too tall for the space.  On the closet doors, they didn't sell precut casings for an 18" door, so we bought a 24" one knowing we'd have to cut down the top to fit. 
So Teddy did all the measurements and marked all the boards and we climbed into the car to head to Home Depot.  They have a cutting station there, right?  We even called ahead to confirm.  Well, when we got there the guy at the Depot told us that the cuts we need to make are too small for their machine, and that they can't do 45 degree angles.  So, it's 8pm at night, and we're in the middle of Home Depot without the right tools to make the cuts we needed to finish the project.  Crap.  We decided to buy a miter saw, since we'll need it for projects in the future, and we do have a table saw that could do the rip, we just needed to get it all set up.  So, we were about to call it a night with a plan for tomorrow when Teddy's Uncle Toby called him back and said that he could come over to use all his saws in his wood shop.  Sweet!  It was already set up and ready for cutting.  So, Teddy headed over there and in no time was back home with all the cuts we needed made and ready to go up.  Back on track!

Here's the one side of the door that needed no cuts all up and ready

Teddy is putting up his freshly cut trim, and he measured everything perfectly.  It all fit like a glove.  So, he got the first set of nails in all the trim, we put in the door handles, and set off to bed knowing that Day 4 should be easy peasy.

Day 4 will be the finale, finishing out the trim, changing out the faucet, toilet seat, and hanging new towel bars.  I can't wait until this is all done and pulled together.  It's really looking great!

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