Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Date Night & the Bears

This weekend Teddy was home!  So we focused on getting some quality catch up time together.  Friday night was pretty low key.  I made us some baked chicken and we relaxed watching a little TV and chatting. 

Saturday I had to head into work, but got home in the late afternoon.  Teddy had been busy working around the house and focusing on his latest Lego project.  We decided last minute to have date night on Saturday and headed out to one of our favorite local places, Aodake for some sushi.  It had been a really long time since we went there and the place was packed.  They have the hibachi grills as well, so most were at those versus the sushi tables.  I guess a lot of people had the same idea.  Even my sister did date night with her husband at a sushi place over the weekend. 

After dinner we headed out to see a movie.  We got some AMC gift cards for Christmas in our stockings, so we thought we'd put them to use.  We ended up going to see No Strings Attached with Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher.

No Strings Attached

It was yet another romantic comedy, but I thought it was pretty funny.  There were some holes in the story as they never really explain why Natalie Portman's character is such an emotional train wreck, but there were some really funny moments in the movie.  It was nice to cozy up with the hubby and watch a movie.  It's been a while since we have been able to do that. 

Sunday was all about the Bears!!

We were so excited for the biggest game of the season for a team we didn't think would see the off season at all.  The day was just bad karma all around.  We decided to check out one of the local DG bars, Another Round, to watch the game and headed out around lunch time to snag a seat.  Well, when we got there we found all these tables that were being "saved" by peoples coats, drinks and other crap.  It was unreal.  I couldn't believe the bar was allowing people to just block out tables and chairs from paying customers because they were saving them for their friends.  So, we did a couple of laps and decided to head over to BW3's to check out if they were any better of a set up.

This was miles better.  They had the Hawks game on.  There was plenty of open seats and TV's a plenty.  They also were giving away all sorts of prizes during the commercial breaks, well, it was mostly free wings. 

So, we settled in, got some beers and some grub, and proceeded to watch the Hawks lose.  At that point I made the big mistake of saying, "I hope this isn't a sign of a bad sports day for Chicago."  Ugh!  Why do I say such things.  It's like I was asking for the karma kick in the butt.

We got excited to watch the Bears come out blazing.

Teddy sporting Hester

Me sporting Briggs

And the game started with the Bear's deferring on the coin toss (was this really a good call?) and then the Packers just marched right over us on the field.  It was one ugly first half, but Teddy and I were still having a good time.  Until half time and we were suddenly surrounded by the strangest people.  These people were obsessed with high fives to everyone around them at the most awkward moments of the game.  They were wearing Bears jerseys, but every time the Bears had the ball, the one lady would start screaming like a wild women to "Sack him!" which was quickly followed by an incredibly confused look when the Bears snapped the ball.  At some point this couple decided they wanted to try to be friends with Teddy and me.  They kept high fiving us and telling us to smile.  Um, the Bears are playing like sh!t, and we have annoying people that keep trying to touch us and won't leave us alone.  There wasn't a lot of smiling happening.  Teddy ended up moving seats to put his back to them because at the time he was sitting next to me. And this nutter of a women kept peaking around Teddy's head to try to make eye contact with me so she could yet again wield another high five.  I did everything to avoid her eyes.  Then at one point she came over to tell me I looked just like her cousin.  Seriously?  Can we just watch the game?  UGH! 

Luckily Teddy and I were smart and got the check early so that after the game ended we could bolt before our new found buddies followed us home.  And we also all know how that game ended.  While Heine did a respectable job coming in cold and getting two TD's - it was too little too late.  Some bad decisions with a time out on the third down with one minute to go just sealed the coffin for us.  In the end, for a team we never thought would make it to the off season, not too shabby.  Although, it would sting a little less if we hadn't lost to the Packers. 

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