Friday, November 5, 2010

Weekend Recap: Baby Ava & Trick-or-treaters

Well, once again I'm late in recapping our events from last weekend.  And I think quite a bit of that is because there just wasn't much going on last weekend, which was a welcome change for us.  It's rare that we have a whole weekend with nothing really planned. 

On Friday night Teddy and I had a quiet night at home.  I made some dinner, we watched a movie, and we crashed.  (We've suddenly turned into that old married, we're happy - what can I say) 

Saturday we had a bunch of errands to run, but the most important thing we did on Saturday was go meet my cousin Chris's & his wife Sara's new daughter, Ava.

Awwww!  Isn't she just adorable.  She actually was a lot bigger than in this picture.  I stole this picture from Sara's facebook page.  I brought my camera, and fully intended on taking lots of pictures, but then we got to chatting, and well, it didn't happen.  She is just beautiful.  I had fun holding her, feeding her, and burping her as Teddy and I got caught up on how the new parents are doing.  Sara and Chris are troopers and already seem to be adjusted to this little new addition to their family. 

After the baby visit we headed out to get our provisions for Halloween the next day.  We wanted to make sure we were well stocked on the candy front. We came close to running out last year.  I think we might have taken this a little over board....

On Halloween, Teddy and I worked on finishing up winterizing the yard.  We pulled out flowers, disconnected hoses, got out the snowblower (*shudder*), put patio chairs away, etc.  Then we started getting little ghosts, goblins, princesses and pirates around noon.  It was a spotty showing of the trick-or-treaters this year, and we may have gone overboard on making sure we had enough candy.  We now have a giant vat of candy left over.  This is bad news!  Because if there is candy in the house, it will get eaten.  I need to bring some into work so someone else can eat all this up. 

So, what can I say, it was a nice quiet weekend, but those are pretty rare.  This weekend we have lots going on, which is great!  Hopefully I'll get the recap done quicker.

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