Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thanks to my girls!

After what seems like far too long, last night I was able to hang out and have dinner with my girls, Stacy and Nilam.  We were celebrating Nilam's birthday, her return from her trip to Spain and Morroco and me being 1 week from the wedding date. 

While we don't get to see eachother as much as we used to, we always have an amazing time together.  We also had the boys with us as well, Tom & Teddy. 

We had dinner at Mr. Benny's in Mokena.  It was really good.  The owner kept coming over to our table to open the wine because we told him Nilam was a spy from a competing steakhouse.  It was pretty amusing.  Stacy and Nilam gave me a really nice gift, which was a charm for my charm bracelet of two rings to signify the wedding.  We had a great dinner talking about old times, hearing about Nilam's trip and talking about the festivities for the wedding next week.   

Stacy even preordered us all special desserts in advance of the dinner.  It was so nice to have a night out with friends and get away from all the stress of finalizing the wedding details.  I love you girls! 

1 comment:

  1. Arla,

    You ladies all look SO great! I can not believe that your wedding is already only mere days away...where does time go? I wish you a lifetime of happiness and a beautiful perfect wedding day! - Dawn Zancan
